Strangeness and charm

tutorial Fesbuk LIKE BUTTON
♣ 0

slm dear, tdy kn kt skul de sowg adek kiut miut niyh tnyer sal LIKE BUTTON... dye tnye cm ne nk letak bnde 2 lm bloggie kite.. so, kt skit aq nk bg tuto skit kt korang (hehehe) niyh xlh kedekut.. dh kite tau, kite patut share ar ilmu kite kn..xkn nk buat TAIK IDONG MASIN plak..oh no no xmcm 2..tidak sma sekaly tidk kn..amboi2, jom la kite start..ok korang focus k..

Dashboard ---> Design ---> Edit HTML ---> then jgn lupe tau TICK kotak "Expand Widgets Template"..untuk memudahkn kerja korang

tekan CTRL+F serentak (korang akn jumpe kotak di penjuru laptop,netbook,notebook,or cmputer korang 2 and search for this code :


jumpe x??? if korang dh jumpe korang copy code kt bawh niyh then korang paste code kt bawah niyh kt code yg korang cary tady..

<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"" + data:post.url + "&amp;layout=standard&amp;show-faces=true&amp;width=530&amp;height=60&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:530px; height:60px'/>

 eh2..jgn SAVE lagi..preview dulu ya...xtakut naty xjady..if dh jady baru la korang SAVE...

P/S: aq tau korang xboleh nk copydog.. if korang nk code niyh..mintk nge aq, kt chat fesbuk.. insya Allah aq bg.. aq xkedekut cm 2

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